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Pack Mash-Up Your Bootz Party Sampler Vol 21

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01. Joan Jett vs. Queen – We Will Rock And Roll You [DJ Matt Hite] (2:57)
02. Guns n Roses vs. Tag Team – Sweet Whoomp [DJ Topcat] (4:53)
03. Queen vs. Snoop Dogg – Drop It Likes It Radio Ga Ga [DJ M.i.F] (4:36)
04. Falco vs. Sean Paul – Temperature Calling [DJ Schmolli] (3:57)
05. Fragma vs. Elvis Presley – Suspicious Miracles [LeeDM101] (4:40)
06. Trans-X vs. Duffy – Living On Mercy [DJ Gauffie] (4:29)
07. MGMT vs. David Bowie – Stardust Kids [A plus D] (4:10)
08. Does It Offend You, Yeah? vs. Alice In Chains – Does Alice In Chains Offend You ? [Aggro1] (3:04)
09. Crookers vs. Khia – My Neck My Knobb [Sqzmylmns] (5:02)
10. Reel 2 Real vs. Seeed – I Like To Ding It [Torero Bootleg Productions] (4:10)
11. Eric Prydz vs. Pink Floyd vs. Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Education [Dr.Waumiau] (4:14)
12. Vampire Weekend vs. T.I. & Rihanna – Live Your Life Punk [Party Ben] (2:53)
13. Black Eyed Peas vs. Oasis – Wonderlie [ComaR] (3:35)
14. Lenny Kravitz vs. The Jacksons vs. Marvin Gaye – Never Can Say It’s Over [DJ Zebra] (4:17)
15. Avril Lavigne vs. Testament – Complicated Crown [DJ Morgoth] (4:02)
16. Thirteen Senses vs. New Order – Into the Crystal Fire [ThE hOmOgEnIc ChAoS] (4:00)
17. Take That vs. Crowded House – Crowded World [The Reborn Identity] (4:33)
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